Michael Glaser

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Guide for new Visitors and Internet Beginners

Tips for your first Steps on these Web Pages

  1. Menu navigation: on a Mac or PC with a computer mouse, on a MacBook or Laptop with a touchpad, on devices with touchscreens by tapping the menu.
    In my descriptions I ever write «mouse click» instead of mention all possibilities all the time. So please replace «mouse click» in your mind with “tapping”, if necessary. By the way: a touchpad works just as well as a computer mouse (at least after a short period of getting used to it).
  2. …within the menu path forward/back/to the start page: above the page text, the current menu path is displayed (so now it shows: Home > Guide).
    Thanks to this «breadcrumb navigation», orientation is maintained even in nested submenus. When you are in the upper part of the page, you can also click on the title «Michael Glaser» to immediately return to the homepage.
  3. flip through pages: this website can flipped through like a book from the start page aka «Home» to the last page by clicking on «prev» or «next».
    And from the bottom of every page you reach the top with a click on ^. This line looks something like this: « prev ……………… ^top ……………… next »
  4. Submenus: if the introductory text of a main page is not already directly linked to its submenus, «Read more:» is displayed at the bottom of the page above the clickable subpages. Otherwise simply click on the link next » in the bottom right-hand corner for flipping to the next page.
  5. Text highlighting: to avoid confusion, underlines are only used for hyperlinks (like here).
  6. identify unread pages: hyperlinks have blue font before first click. When the mouse is clicked, the font colour briefly turns red and then remains black.
  7. Content here or on external website? Hyperlinks to foreign web addresses are marked with an arrow at the right side of the link pointing top right.
    This way, you know before you click a hyperlink, whether you will continue reading on one of my pages or whether you would be directed to a third-party.
  8. read this website on a Smartphone or Tablet-PC? Yes, with pleasure! This website offers responsive design, i.e. it adapts to any display size.
  9. read long texts more comfortably: use the read mode of your web browser. See below for details.
  10. Search function: click in the input field at the top right of the magnifying glass and then enter your search term. «Enter» key or on the Tablet PC «Next» «Search» or «Return» will start the search process (takes about one second). Attention: the search will only find results in the currently selected language!
  11. Table of contents: Complete overview of the menu structure, direct selection of each subpage possible. See top right next to the menu and printer icon.

Uniform Date Format

This website is made by a German Webmaster, therefore it has the German date format DD.MM.YYYY, which is also usual in Great Britain.

Adjust Font Size

By Keystroke Combination

Mac/PC/Laptop (replace [Ctrl] with [command] on the Mac):

[Ctrl] and [+] to enlarge,
[Ctrl] and [-] to reduce the size.
[Ctrl] and [0] resets to default.

Reading Mode facilitates reading long Texts

As soon as a paper symbol or AA appears at the top left of the web address, clicking on this symbol allows you to use the reading mode and change the font size.
It works with all actual versions of Apple's Safari, Google's Chrome, Mozilla's Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer, maybe with other browsers, too.


Not only the font, but all other page elements will be scaled. So the entire layout will stay coherent.

Keyword list: Guide, New, Reading, Tips, Tips for your first Steps on these Web Pages

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